Home of all things pasta
January 10, 2016
1Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F.
2Wash the langoustines and put them in a bowl and season them with olive oil, salt and pepper.
3Put them on the baking dish and bake for 15 minutes.
4Take the langoustines out of the oven, let them cool down and peel them. Leave 4 langoustines unpeeled.
5In a skillet melt the butter over medium heat with sage leaves. Add langoustines and cook over low heat for 5 to 8 minutes.
6Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the pasta as indicated on the package.
7Add the pasta in a skillet with the langoustine sauce and mix well to coat.
For more intense flavor you can add 1/2 sliced lemon in the baking dish with langoustines.
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