Hi there! 🙂
This veggie ribbon pasta is another healthy and delicious recipe I absolutely recommend you to try if you haven’t already. Before I started to wean my son onto solid foods, I wasn’t thinking much about where I buy my fruit and vegetables. We always went to the nearest supermarket and bought all we needed, as it was the easiest and fastest way to do our shopping. After our little man came to this world, lots of things changed for us, just as for all of you out there who became parents.
So we decided to change some things, we switched from eating conventionally grown fruit and vegetables to organic ones. And it was a great decision, not only we ingest fewer pesticides, we noted the difference between the taste of meals prepared with organic vegetables and those conventionally grown. I remember my grandma always telling me not to freak out if I see a worm in my apple or a snail on my salad, it means it is fresh. So I buy locally produced seasonal fruit and veggies, they are fresh, nutrient and trust me, have more flavor.
So this pasta recipe changed its flavor. It is very easy to prepare, well, this is something you will read a lot of times here on my blog, because all pasta recipes are easy to prepare, and once you begin experimenting with other ingredients, nothing will stop you. The pasta varieties are endless and you can play by combining various ingredients.
As you will notice I love using seeds when preparing these pasta recipes, they are super rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. Well yes, I’m a health nut, but I don’t give up when I have cravings for a big portion of Carbonara o pasta with 4 types of cheese. But my husband is a real health nut and fitness lover, so when I prepare Carbonara, he is like “Carbonara again??” and the last time I prepared it was 3 weeks ago. So for all you fitness lovers out there, this is your type of recipe if you don’t want to give up on pasta.
The vegetable peeler is a great help when preparing this recipe, I love making vegetable ribbons because the dish is ready in only 15 minutes and it is absolutely delicious. Remember to add zucchini when the carrots are almost ready because zucchini ribbons tend to overcook rapidly.
Share with us your tips and thoughts in the comments section below. 🙂