Caccavelle… oh wow… I love this type of pasta! And once you try it you will love it too!
This is the largest pasta in the world, it weights 50 grams per piece and has a diameter of 9 cm. You can note from its shape that it is a perfect pasta for the fillings. Let that shells pasta stay on your shelves and prepare the Caccavelle! You will impress your guests for sure with this type of pasta and some yummy filling. I prepare it often because my family goes crazy for this pasta and it is very easy to prepare. In Italy, the most famous recipe with this pasta is Caccavelle Alla Sorentina, filled with sausage, pork meat, mozzarella, tomato sauce, ricotta etc. I will post this recipe soon.
So there are many different fillings one can choose from, today I decided to fill them with shrimps, peas, and tomatoes… Well, that is one appetizing filling!
I think (correct me if I’m wrong) that when it comes to seafood sauce recipes the most important ingredient is white wine… At least my grandpa taught me so. He was a fisherman and he loved preparing fish, his fish soup was the best one I have ever tasted in my entire life. I prepared it several times, but it never tasted like his, never… So, I always add a big cup of dry white wine to my seafood sauces and they never let me down. 🙂 You can use table wines, but remember to use a dry wine, not a “sweet one”.
This time, I used frozen shrimps which are not the best option, but I didn’t have time to buy fresh ones (as you can imagine, the recipe is much more tasty with fresh shrimps). I also used plum tomatoes, although you can use cherry tomatoes, but then you should cook them less than plum tomatoes. Plum tomatoes are great for preparing fresh tomato sauces. And onions, well, they give that special flavor to almost every sauce and I use them a lot, almost in all of my recipes… When I’m not preparing pasta, I’m preparing Focaccia with Onions, Onion rings, Onion cookies… and I don’t cry anymore when slicing onions. 🙂
So good appetite and let us know have you ever prepared stuffed Caccavelle? What is your favorite Caccavelle filling?
August 1, 2018
Where can I purchase this pasta? I live in New York state and I would like to try.